Monthly Archives: May 2020

All your options suck? Get the fuck out of Dodge

“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” H. L. Mencken

The world is against you and no one gives a fuck. No one. Platitudes are worthless.  Deeds not words. If they are not helping you pay your bills, lying in court or tampering with evidence on your behalf they don’t care.

Not only does no one give a fuck, the full, hard power of the state and the full informal power of society is aginst you and all they care is about your ability to cough up cash and your willingness to submit.

The goverment wants your money and submission. Fuck you pay me. Society and your family wants your submission. “That sucks Johny but We’re here for you. Be a good boy, work extra hard and it will work out”.

Fuck that shit.

You do have options, including leaving and never returning. That is a monster of a decision with ramifications you can’t predict but there are things you can predict and plan for.

Most recently I went through this with a friend of mine. His buiness tanked, then came years of unemployment/ underemployment. He owed serious money from the buiness crashing. The IRS was the most forgiving but the courts refused to reduce his alimony….$1400 a month….  wouldn’t reduce it and attempted to force him to pay the full amount he was behind on. Even for the year he made 1/3 of his typical take home

There was no way for him to do that and save for his dotage.

He bailed.

He didn’t leave in a huff. No grand exit, no rants. No warnings. Just planing, opsec and execution.

In some regards this was an easy transition for him. He’s been overseas before. Which gave him 2 advantages. #1 he knew what he was getting into. Selling his shit to go on a short term contract wasnt outside his normal behaviour. His kids are adults, he’s a tough fucker in the stoic sense and he had an easy time finding work. The world over wants to hire American aviation mechanics.

Passport, aviation worked lined up overseas, new home scouted out with a full understanding of what was required to get citizenship and a passport in his new homeland, plans confirmed with lawyers in his new homeland etc etc

Down range he went. He kept making those payments for 3 years until he qualified for residency and a passport then radio silence, as far as his ex wife and the courts are concerned.

Freedom and a future but at a cost. He’ll see his kids and grandkids maybe twice a year for the rest of his life but he’s free to start over,  grow old comfortably and not have to work 60-70 hours a week while his body fails. Free in the sense that the 1st 30% of his income doesn’t go to a government that failed to protect his rights and half his take home pay no longer goes to a woman who hates him.

It’s a good’ish life. At least he’s a lot less angry, worries a lot less about his future, his old age etc etc. He has a future. One where he can make plans and build toward something. One where he can stop working in 7 more years. He works in one nation, is investing and building a life in the other. He has a small villa, a 1/4 of the mile from a beach full of flounder. The local wine is awesome, the local beer is ok and the bird hunting is decent. He has a decent enough girlfriend and a motorcycle where he works.

It’s solitary life. He is learning the local language,two of them,  but doesn’t know much and only spends 4 weeks a year at his home He went from seeing his kids and grandkids 5 times a week to twice a year. But it’s life on his terms

Frankly most men won’t have the balls for it. Way I reckon things, no matter how you define it, some part of being an alpha male is the willingness to act on your own behalf.  It’s an apex alpha decision with apex alpha results. The tricks and the hoes won’t be happy.

My friend is a criminal. Or will be before too lomg. Contempt of court. Not that they are looking for him but a judge can put him in jail and leave him in jail until he pays the full amount. One dude did 14 years for not ponying up 2.5 million in a civil case. Most Westren nations will help America enforce alimony. At least 17 nations will send you back to america so the goverment can jail ypu for not paying child support.  Dippinng out with your kids in tow is kidnapping.

It’s a serious decision with serious results

You will be giving up things you cannot comperhend. You will be adopting a new lifestyle. One that is radically different from your current life. Different foods, different views on right and wrong. The local law will be more draconian and more lax all at the same time. Different ideas of time management. Different views on medical care…. that list of different is damn near endless.

You need a plan.

Number one is a way to make cash. Money is the most flexible, most useful tool in the world. Or you need the cash to keep you going. To many variables to get into but the guys I know who have dipped out like this did some version of being a land lord while working a job but you need an income stream the courts here stateside can’t get to. Then when they got to whatever age they applied for their pensions and what have you. So far none of them have been denied or had anything garnished.

You need a place to go and this requires an honest assessment of your legal situation, research and lawyers. Finding a lawyer stateside to help is risky. The more complicated your legal situation the fewer options you will have.  These complications will dictate where you can live, work and travel too.

Do your interwebz research then contact lawyers in the places that fit your needs.

You need balls and determination but more then anything you need an honest assessment of situation and yourself. There is no going back. You have to know what you can do, what you cannot do. What you are willing to do. What you are not willing to do. What you are willing to loose. What you are willing to suffer. What you are not willing to loose or suffer.