Category Archives: race war

Symmetric Property of Equality

Symmetric Property of Equality; If a = b, then b = a

War is the continuation of politics ( state policy) by other means”. Carl Von Clausewitz

“Politics is the continuation of war by other means”. The Ton mother fucker! Damn near everything in this life is a continuation of war by other means.

Anyone who cannot tell the difference between violence in defense of your person, property, patrimony, individual sovereignty ie God given rights as a free White man, the land, tradtions, religion and culture of your forefathers and the violence committed to destroy those good things is stupid, evil or so well indoctrinated with progressive thought they are part of the stupid and/or evil.

“Sic semper tyrannis! John Wilks Booth

Learning to fight

To be good at being a man requires the ability and willingness to commit violence in your own self-interest. Being a man means being able to fight. Violence is how you keep your shit your shit, how you keep your bitch your bitch and how you keep your get from having their heads smashed in or sold into slavery. This is no less true today then it has always been, even though police and professional militaries disguises this truth to a heavy degree, allowing soft, mostly useless men to hide behind harder, more violent men, but cops and the like aren’t there to protect you as an individual. If you are incapable of committing violence on your own behalf then you are at the mercy of others. No man should be in that position and when ever a man finds himself reliant on the mercy of others he needs to fight like hell to fix that shit.

On the upside, most men do not need an elite level skill set to get the job done. There is no reason on God’s green earth for every man to be tier one, and a whole shit ton of reasons why most men shouldn’t.

All you need to be is proficient enough to swing the risk reward ratio into it not being worth the risk for the other guy.

The next thing to understand is keeping your shit your shit, your bitch your bitch and your get safe and healthy is not a sport. There is no silver medal for second place and no such thing as loosing with honor.

No one is going to step up and say give me your wallet or face me in a bout of fisticuffs.

Odds are good you won’t know you’re in the real deep shit until you feel an impact in your stomach or low back, look down and see a knife sticking out of you and your blood ruining your clothes.

Real fights for your life are brutal and dynamic. They are not choreographed. You don’t bow, you don’t score points and often enough the winner is subjective as hell .


Is this

If what you are learning is scripted…. well the end result won’t be pretty. All rookies start off with a script. It’s how you stay safe in the early days of your training but you also have to progress to actual combat like fighting. This rules out just about everything but boxing, kick boxing and MMA.

This shit ain’t how fights work in the real world

This is what comes after you

I have literally 0 respect for traditional Asian martial arts when it comes to training someone to surrive being attacked or turning one into a proficient fighter. Mostly because I cut my teeth in the early days of MMA and we stomped those bitches flat. Multi degree black belts got their asses stomped by guys who 18 months of training. Each and every time that happened, those punk ass bitches would make some vauge claim of super secert skillz that would kill us in an instant in a “real fight”… but they never won those bar brawls either.

You need to learn to fight. Personally I think MMA has the most complex/ largest skill set but that ain’t excatly what you need. New school MMA fighters are amazing athletes but it’s pretty churched up these days and doesn’t get the two Ton Thumbs up it use to but you are good to go as long as you can punch, kick, elbow, knee, headbutt take someone down and know a couple of submissions. Of course this also means you can defend against those things and remember you don’t stop when the other guy taps when the fight counts. Keep putting pressure on that arm until it breaks. And you will know when it breaks an because you will feel it vibrate through your body. And of course you hold those chokes until the other guy goes limp. But the big take away here is you will see a large variety attacks, be use to a variety of ways you can be hurt and know a lot of ways to hurt the other guy. Being hurt and how to hurt is the key.

Fighting while hurt is the most important lesson to learn. Game dog game. The next is when to just put your finger through the other guys eye. That’s going to vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction but you have to have the willingness to take shit to a higher level then the other guy can comperhend.

Many years ago, that usless tit John Mcian called UFC a human cock fight. If you can’t find a stable of actual fighters to train with, do your best to find a guy who doesn’t recoil at the idea of human cock fight. The only reason you are training in the sport is for that God awful day shit gets real and you draw aces and eights

Thoughts on TSHTF

This is a good read about life in a failed nation state. A lot of info to glean but notice what is the biggest trend for trading on the black market

Recently The Girls have been impressed with my ability to pick shit up. Not like back when I was healthy and pulling 7hondo plus but with some rather simple tools. Any rate got me to thinking….. dangerous past time I know….. that I don’t recall any posts about mechincaly lifting heavy stuff. Really we are talking about dirt simple tools, tools practicality every farmer and general mechanic knows about, tools so common a lot of us never think twice about them, tools which would make a huge difference in your ability to eat the shit sandwich of life when things are at their semi worst.

In no real order…..

Block and tackle. Huge fan, I am pretty sucky with explaining it and mehcinal advantage but here is a decent video on the topic. Remember these are the basic lifting tools/ technology men used to build all that old school ancient shit that’s still around and impressing us in the here and now

Come alongs and hand lever chain hoists. Damn near interchangeable but not completely. I tend to see come alongs/ cable pullers as linear pulling tools, like winches and hand lever hoists as over head lifting tools. Either can do either but it’s easier to pull with a come along and it’s easier to lift and lower loads with a lever hoist….. and I don’t really like lever hoists. I prefer chain falls, or chain hoists. Same same just depends on what they call them in your area. If I was on a tight budget, I would get the hand lever hoist because of its slight advantage in lifting . If I had a better budget I would buy a come along and a chain fall. Thats just me. You wont fuck yourself if you only get a come along, and really 3, 3 ton come alongs and some basic rigging skills/ tools and you can move some heavy fucking shit. Tldr; get what fits your budget, get at least 2 lifting/ pulling devices. And the shit to go with them like snatch blocks and lifting straps, chains, wire ropes etc etc. What ever you get, get 3 ton or better. Problem with better is, then it becomes hard to find chains, lifting straps, snatch blocks etc etc to fit your lifting/ pulling capacity….. yeah recap of an older post. You get what you pay for you cheap fuckers but 3 tons seems to be a very workable working range

Don’t know this guy but I thought this video was an excellent introduction. Video quality sucks but the dude seems to know what he is doing. Knows more then me at any rate

If you play around on the YouTube you will find guys using come alongs for all sorts of clever work short cuts. Watch them and keep in mind how versatile they are.

A bed mounted cherry picker on your truck. Get one. Mine is a 1/2 ton. This is what got all of this started. Most of the time The Girls humor me as some kind of sex machine/ adorable crazy ass redneck. Then they act semi dumbfounded when I actually use whatever bit of redneckery effectively. In this case I picked up a rather hefty chunk of petrified wood with one of these and set it down on my trailer. I could have used the winch too but I will leave that for another day when I feel like toying with them some more. The Girls thought the cherry picker was stupid when we left the house and 40 mintues later they were changing their minds. Loved it. Couldn’t find any decent videos of one in use but there are a lot of them for sale.

I have a wheeled gantry crane at the farm. Something like the video bellow but mine is more robust and a bit less mobile. Always a trade off. The one at the farm is rated for 3 tons and is from fastenal, it has a 3 ton chain fail hoist with a trolley so you can move the hoist to any position on the rail. It’s a fairly useful tool. Hand chain hoists are slow going, as you will see in the video, but they don’t really break and the whole damn thing is fairly mobile. I don’t use it very often but it is damn handy to have a round and I could use it for a lot more things if I didn’t have more modern tools available… tools that rely on gas, diesel and or electricity…….

Remember 2 things. #1) I ain’t endorsing any products on this post. I picked the videos because I thought they were good demonstrations of how these work. #2) zombie apocalypse or no, work has to be done and heavy shit has to be moved. These are the tools you can use to move all sorts of heavy shit when you don’t have a forklift, help or electricity.

The Ton answers 10 1st date questions from a feminist

By now moat of y’all habe read this shit.

Well let’s make the run down….

1. Do you believe that Black Lives Matter? fuck no snake. Black lives don’t matter to black folks either. If they did negroes wouldn’t be killing each other like it’s their national pastime

2. Do you believe that Black Lives Matter? Bitches be tripping.

3. How do you work to dismantle sexism and misogyny in your life? Dismantle it? I fucking excel at that shit

4. What are your thoughts on sex work? All bitches are whores. She might be fucking one dude for 100% of his money, or fucking 100 dudes for 1% of their money but they are all engaged in some version whoring. I mean sex work.

5. . Are you a supporter of the BDS movement? What they fuck is that? “BDS stands for “Boycott, Divest, Sanctions” — an effort to end international support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians”…… fuck no. I don’t give a shit about what jews do to hajjis. Fuckemboth. I do support boycotting, divesting, sanctioning and deporting the jews living in the West.

6. What is your understanding of settler colonialism and indigenous rights? If they wanted rights their forefathers should have won the wars. Dont be pissed at my people because we did a better job of killing your people then you did of killing mine.

7. Do you think capitalism is exploitative? Yup. And so is everything else. That’s the way the world works you dumb bitch.

8. Can any human be illegal? Yup they sure as shit can be. Go sneak into Mexico and get caught. Or get caught sneaking into any non White nation and see what kind of warm welcome you get

9. Do you support Muslim Americans and non-Muslim people from Islamic countries? I support their deportation from all Western nations. I support z 1000 to one exchange rate as in for everyone one White man woman or child ( or house hold pet etc ) a moslem kills or injures we should kill 1000 of them

10. Does your allyship include disabled folks? What the fuck is allyship?

The Ton on how society creates PTSD

1st a warning. No vagina driven replies in the comment section. Any damn thing that sounds like blubbering will be deleted and the commentor blocked. Same goes for the lame racist counter argument.

It is my uneducated opinion that PTSD is a mostly manufactured problem. It’s a gold mine for the VA which any more is nothing but a job program for black chicks and a giant welfare/ transfer payment scheme for black veterans. When you walk into a VA hospital every ground and mid level flunky you meet is a black chick and they are horrible to White vets. You can watch a healthy black dude walk to the front of a line while White men missing body parts wait to get the privilege of being shitted on by the 1st layer of VA staff flunkies.

Did you know fire alarms have the magical ability to make men walk again? Sure as sure gets they do. While back I took a friend, AB, to one of his VA appointments. AB is fucked in the head. An IED rattled his CPU so hard he was seeing shit that wasn’t there for weeks. Medically retried, 100% disabled, they made his old lady turn in his firearms before they let him go home type of brain damage. Any rate we’re in the waiting room, shooting the shit when someone pulled a fire alarm. That fire alarmed cured about 80 black dudes as they left their canes, walkers, chairs etc behind and took off for the parking lot. AB looked over at the only fella still there, a legless White guy in his middle 30’s, says to him “reckon you ain’t faking so we’ll get you out of here”.

That’s an extrem example but you can sit in the VA hospital parking lot and watch guys hobble out to their truck, then quickly toss their cane into the truck bed and hop up into the cab. One VA doctor I was bullshiting with told me he got in trouble for looking out his window to see how well men moved around when no one was watching. See the black VA admin boss said he was being racist and denying too many claims from blacks. Being Hindu he didn’t initially understand how the game is played but apparently it is mostly blacks who get jammed up with faking disability claims and dats racist and shit.

And it is a game. Spend enough time around black folk for them to get comfortable around you and you will hear them brag about how they faked this, that or the other thing to get money out of the government. It’s a skill they take pride in and they are quick to ridicule anyone who doesn’t want to take advantage of the system. Failing to fake a disability and get dat free money makes you a sucker

The fraud is unfucking real and PTSD is th perfect tool to exploit the system and reallocate resources to black veterans as it doesn’t come with measurable results like how bad your lungs maybe be, nor does it carry much in the way of social stigma. Say the right couple of lines and here’s your PTSD VA money. How bad is the PTSD scam? I know two lady marines ( i repete myself i kmow) getting 80% because the scary stories of deployments scared them before they ever fucking deployed. Neither deployed, both had office type jobs, both 80% disabled according to the VA. To be fair, blacks are more fragile then Whites, with way more systematic health problems but it’s time to go to an all White military if blacks are so fragile office work gets them an 80% disability rating…. $1556.13 tax free money a month…. more if they have kids and are married…… for life

Let’s be honest too. The VA loves this scam. It keeps their budget high and tons of low skilled workers employed. Not to mention how many low skilled college educated folks like sociology and psychology majors rely on the scam. Hell the VA is so fired up for the PTSD scam they told me I was fucked in the head because I ain’t fucked in the head. And there ain’t no higher VA disability rating then the one given to me for the measurable physical damage but tagging me with that label means more money for the VA and more money for those in on the scam.

There are deeper social trends driving the PTSD train as well. We all know modern society practically worships victims. PTSD is how you make strong men into victims. Hell half of what is now called PTSD was just old school masculine WASP behaviour not long ago so yes part of the PTSD party is a contuination of the anti WASP progoganda. A nice thank you gift from all the non WASP’s we let in. Huge fucking mistake on our part

The main way society creates PTSD is by producing pussy ass dudes. Most Vets aren’t the biggest pussies around but most men entering the military aren’t particularly mentally rugged and healthy these days because most people in the USA aren’t. The military is nothing but a cross section of America and whatever is fucked up in the civilian world bleeds over into military life. Most young people are pretty well scared up before they hit the military from all the various soical is we bitch about like divorce, single moms, families with a fuck ton of dysfunction like pills and various forms of child neglect. I know two men who fit this pattern. They were abused pretty good by single moms and step fathers yet their head space and timing problems are labled as PTSD from military service. Kind of sets up a chicken vs egg deal.

What I think fucks up most guys is the anti war stuff. Let’s face it, most men down range aren’t in any particular danger. Most men down range aren’t in kill or be killed situations so having a presidential candidate tell you we’re the real terrorists ain’t a big deal. Ain’t a big deal when the majority of citizens agree with it and elected him President. Living conditions can be tough, hours are long, a lot of its boring as hell and occisonaly a rocket or mortar round comes in. Then it’s funny as hell to watch people over react but the guys on the line face an entirely different life and react to things in an entirely different way. One that has to be lived to understand and there is much joy and satisfaction in it but you also do some morally questionable shit. That’s what war is. It’s life and death, blood and shit and fear and adrenaline rushes and exhaustion beyond belief and it’s a whole lot of shit you shouldn’t ask men to do, but needs to be done any damn way.

And that’s where the anti war shit starts fucking with dudes heads. One of the things I have noticed is my boys from places like Washington state and Michigan seem to have more PTSD type bullshit then my boys from the rural South. Men I never saw back down, never heard much bitching from go home and hear more bullshit like we are the real terrorists and I think it fucks with their head, and I think my boys from leftist strongholds like that hear a lot more from CNN then is healthy. Moral ambiguity might be just fine for usless fucks who vote for Oabma, Hillary Sanders etc all and never pulled the trigger on a tango but once a man has crossed that line, he doesn’t need the mind fuck. He doesn’t need Mrs Obamas bullshit about how mean America is, he doesn’t need Tim Wise the jew bullshit about how inherently evil we are, he doesn’t need the chirping chior of college educated cock suckers joing in and going on about how we did the Indians wrong on thanksgiving. They aint asking for a prade 4 times a year either…. Usless fucks stateside can engage in their endless debates. Don’t cost them a damn thing, but hearing how we’re the bad guy probably takes a toll on the man who did the dirty work down range just so pussies state side can talk up how wonderful and peace loving hajjis are.

Think about it this way; an infantryman is a killer but not a murderer; shit on the legitimacy of killing and you turn him into one.

I say probably because I don’t really know. Nothing I have done down range has caused me to loose sleep. A big failing we have is how we view morality. A friend of mine killed some non combatants because hajjis were using them as a human shield while they brought in more fighters in an attempt to over run a group of Americans. He was giving the persmsion to engage the convoy despite the human shields. It fucked with him despite most likely saving the lives of 12 men. Being a part of the situation has never bothered me because the civilian deaths were on the hajjis for making them part of the battle field. They made the decision to use human shields. Those deaths are on them. Instead of saying that, the leftist world wanted to push the responsibility of their deaths on to us, which has really fucked with my friend

Tldr/ #1 The VA is another version of welfare fraud for black verterans; #2 it’s fucked up to ask a man to go kill and destroy on your behalf then shit on the reasons why you sent him to kill.

Punch a Nazi in the face

I was out not lomg ago and some fat fuck was wearing a black t-shirt with white lettering that said punch a Nazi in the face and save….. couldn’t read the rest.

Rolled up and asked him if he wanted to punch me in the face. Well I said something like hey fuck face, got the balls to punch me in the face? He elected to hide behind his even fatter bitch

He was not inclined to acquiesce to my request. His fat cow kept running her mouth so I decided to spit in her face.

They hauled ass to call the cops and I am sure to screech on the interwebz.

Any rate, someone asked how you deal with the anti White hate.

That’s how you deal with it. You attack them where ever you find them. You do your best to deny them jobs, money and safe places to do their stupid shit. You hurt them as often as you can, to the largest extent possible given the tactical situation you find them in

Sometimes you best bet is an overt assault. Sometimes it’s getting other White’s to see what’s up, sometimes it’s a string of yelp etc reviews running down their coffee shop

Be creative, be bold but wise. Always attack. Never forget survival is it’s own mortality

Why blue lives don’t matter

The police are not your friend unless you happened to occupy the correct social and political standings

They have not been your friend for a rather long time. We no longer have the peace officers of my rural youth. Now we have para-military law enforcement officers

Big difference

The government is controlled by a hostile and frequently forgein elite, people with no ties to the historical people’s that carved up a wilderness and turned it into a nation. If you go to political events you must protect yourself as the law is a tool of this government by hostile and forgein elites.

Who gives a shit


Why are there holocaust memorials and such in the usa any damn way? If the story is true, America put and end to that shit and helped save them. Jews should be putting up thank you American White dude statues not trying to destroy the people and culture that saved them


White men, stop helping these sort of ungrateful bastards

Cut off and happy

I loved watching the storm last night. I opened all three French doors, pulled the recliner over, grabbed a bottle of apple wine, put my Lady Pit in my lap and settled in. The Girls slid up next to me before long.

I am, at this moment, physically cut off from the rest of the world. Its a good feeling. The road that takes us from my little sliver of the inter-coastal waterways to the main land is under water. Not sure how deep, don’t much care, but it’s a couple hundred feet wide. Don’t much care about that either. If I did, I’d put my kayak in the water and find out the depth, maybe find the road under the water, mark the path and drive my truck into town. If driving to town is posdible. Doesn’t seem to be much of a current but if there was, it woukd only take me to town. Which I am happy enough to be separated from.

It’s a peaceful easy feeling. We lost power some time back. Made our inlet nice and quiet. Of sorts. The storm was noisy, but there is no hum from the refrigerator either. I have a generator. Haven’t used it yet. I am enjoying the sounds of nature, family and my neighbors to much. Maybe I’ll crank it up when I run out of ice. Yeti coolers are money, so maybe I won’t run out of ice.

I was up early as I always am and the 1st thing I noticed (beyond the Hell jounds and the Girls) was the silence. No wind, no rain, no sound from the refrigerator. Quick check of the house while Girl glares and my Lady Pit bounces around. Neither would go out for the bathroom in the rain. Ton Spawn was sleeping in, the storm kept him up, the house was intact.

The water is high, maybe 5 ft, right at the edge of our retaining wall and over lapping my dock. We use to be surrounded by wet lands. To our front, the river/ bay, ocean and one of our larger and more popular barrier island. Which i am sure did its protecting us from the wind and storm surge. On the other three sides was wet lands and a road. Now  they are under Lord only knows how much water. I climbed up to the roof/ bbq area of my boat shed and checked out my street. We all did well. The one tree in my street, happens to be in my yard, fell. Ground was to wet to hold it, and it fell across the street. Not much of a tree or obstacle but since you can’t really drive around it now, it needed to be #1 on my to do list. Our little road was cut, and since no one was hurt, or in immediate danger, restoring our high speed avenues of approach became the priorty #1.

I love the silence. We are always quiet,  but this morning it was silent. I wanted to keep it going so I used a pocket saw instead of a chain saw. Made two cuts, which made three peices of tree and cleared the road. A short walk took me tout the next obstacle. Water. The road was cut at the community boat ramp. Not much one can do about that so I turned around and walked back.

And I do have power of sorts. Couple solar panels, couple of deep cycle marine batteries and we have been keeping our phones and tablets fully charged. Could do the same with either the truck or the SUV, but I haven’t cranked either. My neighbors have. In fact the guy at the far end of the road has a small generator going. I hear it occasionally and he came by to let us know we could stash food in his freezer, charge our phones etc. Which we took advantage of. The food storing.

He laughed when I told  him I had a generator but wasn’t using it. They all think I am crazier then a shit house rat but seem to enjoy my company any which way

I did cook for everyone earlier today. By God’s good graces we don’t have much clean up to do. Us even less because I stashed most of our stuff. Nothing major, burgers and dogs, some chicken and fish. Stuff we needed to cook before it went bad. I cooked, kept an eye on some older kids and drank slightly chilled homemade wine while they all worked.

One of the other guys tried to AMOG me.  Some lame joke about me cooking and baby sitting. I laughed, said I didn’t want to break a nail and took a long pull off my bottle of wine. Amature. There he was picking up various bits of debris,  there I was enjoying myself, grilling, drinking and watching the kids and dogs run.

It’s a pretty good life

Truly we are blessed

Life is funny. I could tell the road being cut bothered some people. A quick plan, made up on the fly settled them down. Overt displays of masculine confidence and mastery over the world around you always settles the bitches. Of both sexes. The Girls slid up next to me after the ad-hoc meeting. Daddy likes

All the shit I have on hand for emergencies and I’m not really using any of it. It’s been a very mild disaster for us. More like camping at home. I could be bossier, but why?

I had some regular non treated 2×4’s stashed in the rafters of my garage. A little work with a hand saw and now we have some fire wood. I invited the neighborhood over, all 5 families but not sure any will show up.

Almost everything amuses me. This storm hasn’t been any different on that front. Was interesting watching the Betas be stoic and sort of flippant about the storm. Good, strong  family men. Yeoman worthy of the tittle. The kids have had a blast. My Lady Pit has run wild today because there is no place for her to run off to now that we are a mini island. She has knocked all the kids down at least once. On purpose each time. Girl hasn’t left Ton Spawn or the Girls alone. She sticks to them like glue these days.  I can tell the other dudes wives are happy. Their men were right, no need to evacuate, they can now rest in the strength and decsion making skills of their man. Lest for a few days.

Everyone enjoyed that feeling you get when things are better in the morning. I could tell they all took pride and enjoyment out of cleaning up after the storm, pride and enjoyment in the various clever tricks they came up with to over come the obstacles of having no power, running water and what not. Plus the shared experience of sheltering in place

Time to go put sauce on the chicken and check my trout line before it’s fire pit, wine and pitching woo time

I know many folks are suffering right now, but the Lord was kind to me and mine last night.

Y’all take care now