Category Archives: breaking up is easy to do

All your options suck? Get the fuck out of Dodge

“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” H. L. Mencken

The world is against you and no one gives a fuck. No one. Platitudes are worthless.  Deeds not words. If they are not helping you pay your bills, lying in court or tampering with evidence on your behalf they don’t care.

Not only does no one give a fuck, the full, hard power of the state and the full informal power of society is aginst you and all they care is about your ability to cough up cash and your willingness to submit.

The goverment wants your money and submission. Fuck you pay me. Society and your family wants your submission. “That sucks Johny but We’re here for you. Be a good boy, work extra hard and it will work out”.

Fuck that shit.

You do have options, including leaving and never returning. That is a monster of a decision with ramifications you can’t predict but there are things you can predict and plan for.

Most recently I went through this with a friend of mine. His buiness tanked, then came years of unemployment/ underemployment. He owed serious money from the buiness crashing. The IRS was the most forgiving but the courts refused to reduce his alimony….$1400 a month….  wouldn’t reduce it and attempted to force him to pay the full amount he was behind on. Even for the year he made 1/3 of his typical take home

There was no way for him to do that and save for his dotage.

He bailed.

He didn’t leave in a huff. No grand exit, no rants. No warnings. Just planing, opsec and execution.

In some regards this was an easy transition for him. He’s been overseas before. Which gave him 2 advantages. #1 he knew what he was getting into. Selling his shit to go on a short term contract wasnt outside his normal behaviour. His kids are adults, he’s a tough fucker in the stoic sense and he had an easy time finding work. The world over wants to hire American aviation mechanics.

Passport, aviation worked lined up overseas, new home scouted out with a full understanding of what was required to get citizenship and a passport in his new homeland, plans confirmed with lawyers in his new homeland etc etc

Down range he went. He kept making those payments for 3 years until he qualified for residency and a passport then radio silence, as far as his ex wife and the courts are concerned.

Freedom and a future but at a cost. He’ll see his kids and grandkids maybe twice a year for the rest of his life but he’s free to start over,  grow old comfortably and not have to work 60-70 hours a week while his body fails. Free in the sense that the 1st 30% of his income doesn’t go to a government that failed to protect his rights and half his take home pay no longer goes to a woman who hates him.

It’s a good’ish life. At least he’s a lot less angry, worries a lot less about his future, his old age etc etc. He has a future. One where he can make plans and build toward something. One where he can stop working in 7 more years. He works in one nation, is investing and building a life in the other. He has a small villa, a 1/4 of the mile from a beach full of flounder. The local wine is awesome, the local beer is ok and the bird hunting is decent. He has a decent enough girlfriend and a motorcycle where he works.

It’s solitary life. He is learning the local language,two of them,  but doesn’t know much and only spends 4 weeks a year at his home He went from seeing his kids and grandkids 5 times a week to twice a year. But it’s life on his terms

Frankly most men won’t have the balls for it. Way I reckon things, no matter how you define it, some part of being an alpha male is the willingness to act on your own behalf.  It’s an apex alpha decision with apex alpha results. The tricks and the hoes won’t be happy.

My friend is a criminal. Or will be before too lomg. Contempt of court. Not that they are looking for him but a judge can put him in jail and leave him in jail until he pays the full amount. One dude did 14 years for not ponying up 2.5 million in a civil case. Most Westren nations will help America enforce alimony. At least 17 nations will send you back to america so the goverment can jail ypu for not paying child support.  Dippinng out with your kids in tow is kidnapping.

It’s a serious decision with serious results

You will be giving up things you cannot comperhend. You will be adopting a new lifestyle. One that is radically different from your current life. Different foods, different views on right and wrong. The local law will be more draconian and more lax all at the same time. Different ideas of time management. Different views on medical care…. that list of different is damn near endless.

You need a plan.

Number one is a way to make cash. Money is the most flexible, most useful tool in the world. Or you need the cash to keep you going. To many variables to get into but the guys I know who have dipped out like this did some version of being a land lord while working a job but you need an income stream the courts here stateside can’t get to. Then when they got to whatever age they applied for their pensions and what have you. So far none of them have been denied or had anything garnished.

You need a place to go and this requires an honest assessment of your legal situation, research and lawyers. Finding a lawyer stateside to help is risky. The more complicated your legal situation the fewer options you will have.  These complications will dictate where you can live, work and travel too.

Do your interwebz research then contact lawyers in the places that fit your needs.

You need balls and determination but more then anything you need an honest assessment of situation and yourself. There is no going back. You have to know what you can do, what you cannot do. What you are willing to do. What you are not willing to do. What you are willing to loose. What you are willing to suffer. What you are not willing to loose or suffer.


Making of a pua

TR is a long term friend of mine. By long term I mean we have known each other for damn near our whole lives. Way back in the day, he was the kind of guy girls were supposed to want. Decent looking, fun, respectful, church going, not prone to over indulging but no prude either, careful with his money, level headed, big hearted….. all that shit that doesn’t count for much but bitches say they want. We both joined the Army together, we each spent some time in the same Ranger Batt, hell even the same platoon for 3 years until promotions and specialization took us different routes. He got busted up, re-classed into aviation and got out. Then his marriage fell apart and onto the open market he went. And he did pretty well. Took him maybe 3 months to adjust to his new fiscal situation and then he went a courting. Lesser alpha/ greater beta sort of well, never going long without finding an age appropriate 6/7 to settle into an ltr with. And every one of the bitches walked. One chick walked around The 10 month mark she his small business collapsed. The max was 18 months or so. Which was his most recent. One week he is the best man and lover she has known, taking her semi autistic son camping and 4 wheeling, telling him she loves it when he comes in her etc etc and next week (when she went back to college) she is flaking on him left and right. When he called her on it she did all the typical shit, I will always love you baby but I don’t want to be hurt, then she wanted more attention, then she wanted to go out more…… good bye baby I will always love you etc etc.

What a cunt. We all know she meet a bigger better deal. Or her friends not liking him took a toll but that shit about always loving him forever is pure bullshit. If she was capable of doing that she wouldn’t have walked. And that line is what pissed him off. Girls come and go and he knows within a week he’ll be back out and fucking a new chick but the lies add up. Soooo he used her toothbrush to clean his dogs teeth, packed up her shit, told her to pick it all up and went out. From break up to fucking a 5 in 4 hours or less on a Wednesday night.

For the now TR is done being nice to women. How long it will last is anyone’s guess but this shit adds up and is slow to fade. Like I said, I have known TR my whole life. He was never particularly hard hearted but he is now. This past weekend he went out on a blind date. Friends set him up with a rather attractive girl 2 years older then him who still had a flat belly and a decent ass with an ok rack . He had a good time and asked the girl if they could do it again. She said no, I’m 5’9″, wear 3 inch heels and don’t like looking down on my dates. He got up, left her with the bill and went to go find some ass at a bar 2 doors down.

That’s bad ass right there.

I have read small scale debates on whether puas are born or made. My money is on made. Mostly made. No way to really quantify that, it’s all based on observations. I know a few naturals who crushed a lot of ass, then married, some still married some not but the naturals I know have high but not extremely high N counts. Quality women pull them off the market. I know 3 guys who are married with kept women, 2 are older men who wives are over the sex thing but not the high income lifestyle. I know one life time player who was never married. All the other guys I know with high N counts got there because they were high value enough to pull bitches but not so high value the bitches didn’t play games or move on.

Never spend money on them

One of the primary rules of engagement for this here culture of combat dating we live in is…… never spend money on woman. Most men will end up regretting the money spent when he doesn’t get the bang or when they as a couple go their own way. It’s natural to regret the loss of resources invested in a failed venture; money and time are the resources men invest to get laid and have a main bitch. Make the investment as minimal as possible because odds are your deal with her is going to come to an end. That’s the times we are living in and we are less bummed about being out $30 then $300.

One of my employees and his LTR went their own way last night. He is probaly a greater beta/ lesser alpha. Never had much trouble getting a 6 or a 7 ( age adjusted) for an LTR, not really out there smashing ass left and right either. Any rate, he had been seeing this one girl for about a year now. Fucked her the 1st week they meet, settled into couplehood pretty quickly and they were doing all right together. No fighting, good sex, couple of long weekends together, lots of Netflix and chill cheap dates on his Harley etc etc.

In every life there is some trouble. My employee has it stacked up right now. His weldimg shop folded, leaving him with buiness debt, potential lawsuits and tax troubles. His girl stood firm. Then his pregnant daughter moved in to his place cutting into the time he can spend with his main bitch and now this week he found out his ex wife is taking him to court over back alimony.

It all got to be to much for the girl and she broke things off via text message. No drama, no hard feelings, is what it is kind of deal. What my friend regerts is the money spent on her. Which wasn’t a lot. He paid for the road trips, he paid for most meals out and the last few months he had been paying her cellphone bill. She never demanded those things, he never minded and she never bitched when he couldn’t afford to take them out or what have you. More then anything she wanted his time…… The kind of girl folks say you should vet for

But now she is gone and my employee could really use the 2-3 grand he spent on her/ their relationship. The money wasn’t a hard ship and he makes close to double her income. He enjoyed the road trips, he enjoyed the meals out and the occasional movie and he wanted to help her out by paying her cellphone bill. None of that is wrong per say but it all demonstrates a lack of wisdom

As a man, it’s your job to understand romantic relationships are transitory things. When shit goes sideways what I hear men regert is lost opportunities to bang another chick, loss of time and money spent. Personally I think my employee paid about as little money possible to have a decent looking, kind hearted girl in his bed for a year. He never acted like a bitch, never played the simp but he regrets the money spent.

Romantic relationships are transitory things. Don’t do shit, don’t spend money or time you will later regert. Don’t skip that fishing trip with your buddies, don’t skip that ride, don’t lead with your wallet,don’t make major changes or accommodations to suit her, dont give yourself a laundry list of shit to regert latter.

My friend didn’t have anything to regret expect the most recent weekend he paid for. That ain’t bad

Rumor is at one point Girl#1 sent me an its over text. I don’t recall it but like the girl from up above, my then legal troubles were getting to her but apparently I responded with a see you at 0800 Saturday for our ride and come Saturday there she was, in her drive way waiting for me to show up so we could ride. Kind of funny but maybe something to try if some chick tries to soft next you.

Sell me on….

Saving Western Civilization

Another pretty typical man up and marry some bitch to save Western Civilization diatribe is making the rounds, and as is typical their marketing sucks ass. As in it is all sreech and no sales pitch. It and the comment section is filled with the typical feminist and posturing beta shaming attacks. Pretty boring shit; mgtow are genetic dead ends, they’re fags, pussies, defeatist etc etc.

Let’s face it, there is some percentage of men who could never marry under any social climate(which does not merit our ridicule)but I reckon the majority of mgtow probably could pull  a bride. The issue is could they pull a girl decent enough to offset the various risks. Asking that question is smart pool. The Bible tells us a lot of things. One is a wise man counts the cost before setting on a course of action. The Bible praises prudence and fools rush in where angles fear to tread.  Another bit of Godly  wisdom is….its better to live outdoors then with a bitch. Genetic dead-end, fag, pussy…. not much there to motivate the mgtow men on the bubble. And nothing there to offset legitimate concerns

Of course hit pieces like that are not about challenging and elevating men; they are about rallying the feminist/ tradcon troops, keeping them fired up to feed the meat grinder

Now on to this saving Western Civilization bidness…. my question is why?

The value in Western Civilization is directly propionate to its ability to ensure and protect the rights, property and faith of individual God fearing White men. Western Civilization is only worthy of protection and preservation to the extent it does those three things. Doing those 3 things allowed White men to create unparalleled advances in science, technology, wealth and art. To name a few. Beautiful art; music, sculpture, paintings… words…. all inspiring and elevating men, life saving medical advances… air conditioning…. those are not the purposes of Western Civilization but subset benefits to ensuring an individual White man’s rights, property and faith.

Does Western Civilization do any such things these days? Has it done any such in the last 3 generations? Or more? No says I… yes lots of new things in the science and technology but no to the rest. For me, a civilization that creates new gadgets doesn’t off set killing it’s unborn

As I have said before, civilization is a crutch, it gives women and weak men skirts to hide behind. It also gives unscrupulous men the ability to fleece honest men by the millions… never mind. I can on for sometime on that one

Also most men cannot grasp concepts like Western Civilization. You have to give them missions that hit close to home. That line will be relevant in a bit

When I do the math, I cannot see the value in preserving Western Civilization. It no longer serves its purpose or its masters. The bill will come due one day, and proping up a dying system only delays the day of reckoning which jacks up the bill

I don’t know when the wheels will fall off, I don’t know when the debt will be called in, I don’t know what, if anything, will replace it. Nor is it my concern

I want to preserve people, my people, my blood kin, the Ton progeny, my extended family, my brothers from my army days, my employees and in the big picture, Southern Whites, then kind of sort of White folks in general. The closer to home whatever you want to persevere is, the easier it is to plan for

the Ton Life priority of fires is short and sweet

Right relationship with the Almighty. I have various bits of paper from the Army saying I am a certified bad ass. I am nothing compared to Him who made me. It is only right to acknowledge those who are greater then us.

Making money. Money is the most useful tool you will ever have.  And by make money  I don’t mean having a job. You need to own assets. You will always make more money having employees then you will being an employee. In this world you are either a pimp making money off his ho’s and their tricks, a ho making money off tricks for your pimp, or a trick giving your money to the ho so she can give it to her pimp. It’s better to be a ho then a trick and it’s better yet to be a pimp

Next is your Frame, your reputation, masculine pride…. your mental, emotional, strength, toughness  and abilities.  It requires more brain power and balls to be the master of your own destiny then it does to be a worker been. Trust me. Any military or small business man will tell you that. And you need Game. Soical skills are an important aspect of your frame, reputation and standing among men

Number 4 is your ability to commit violence. This is about your physical strength and toughness. Which you won’t have if you are not mentally and emotionally tough.  This is about how good you are with a gun, how quick your fists are, how cunning and ruthless you can be… and knowing when to be ruthless, cunning and violent

Did you notice what isn’t on the list? Know why they aren’t there? It’s because you can not have those things on your own accord without getting those 4 things in order.

Life for a man will fall into place once he’s about 80% in each of those 4 things. Once you in that Grove, you stop worrying about how society or women or the government fucks up your life. You don’t worry so much about staying on top or losing a round or two because you know you can bounce back. You rely on yourself and your own resources vs needing the protections of far away concepts like Western Civilization

Breaking a beta…. creating a pick up artist.

Back to my friend RJ…

RJ is not the most Beta of Beta’s but he is a little more Beta then he is Alpha, especially regarding the SMP and dealing with women. Not the biggest Blue Pill dude around but not full on Red Pill either. That came to a sudden stop last night.

Do you know what they say about jumping out of airplanes? Its not the jumping that kills you but the stopping; the Sudden Stop Syndrome and RJ’s sudden stop last night killed the Beta in him.

One of my cardinal rules for the SMP is, always have a side piece because she always has a side piece. She might be fucking him, or maybe she has Beta orbiters waiting in the wings but she has options and you are only one of them. Hell most likely not even her favorite option. Well that and it keeps your frame strong. No need to put up with much bullshit from a woman if your roster is 4 deep and three other chicks are waiting to spread their legs for you.


Any rate we were sitting around drinking pretty hard last night when his girl Blondie starts doing her fitness test thing, RJ do you like me, RJ do you have other women RJ I want this and that from you and I like you so much, you make me feel so safe and you are so nice to me… you’re the prefect man for me etc etc but I don’t know where we stand etc etc. We’ll she asks him “are we mutually exclusive?…. RTJ’s autonomic answer is of course we are, because RJ couldn’t fathom operating any other way. Well after RJ answered her, Blondie said she needed to cut some people lose then. Damn. All this time RJ was doing the nice guy thing and Blondie was spinning plates.


I could see RJ getting ready to explode, Blondie was drunk and clueless, so I grab RJ by the arm and pull him outside into the cold. Now here’s the thing, RJ could have exploded with anger etc, vented his feelings of betrayal or he could choose to pick up the knowledge bombs I have been dropping on him. RJ is smart man, and a man who doesn’t cotton to being taken advantage of, which is what happens to nice guys in the dating world. Being a nice guy in the SMP is like taking water balloons to tank battle.


Any rate I talk him down from detonating things with Blondie, and RJ has made the promise to always spin plates and never lead with his wallet. He plans on dropping Blondie when he has two other girls in his rotation and he plans on making it a nuclear level “next” but for the now he is going to keep her around and use sex as a weapon, pushing her limits and comfort zones, demanding she do things for him and him to her that she would normally never do… He is hell bent on using her like she used him and I doubt he will ever go back to his nice guy ways. Its cost him to much of his soul


Folks want to know why men do what they do in the SMP, and the answer to that question is as variable as there are number of men but surely a goodly part of that repairable answer is because of women taught them





and then there was 2 or…. Next

I gave Girl#2 the big Next yesterday. She was at my house for the weekend, all the Girls were, and got to feeling combative. As one can imagine I don’t put up with much and in the course of our “discussion” she said “you know what Ton? FUCK YOU”. I stopped what I was doing, smiled at her and left the room to pack her shit. She was to busy with her phone to notice. Before long, I had her shit packed and at the her car. I pulled Girl#3 aside and told her what was about to go down. She was torn, but I gave her the “deiced now or leave” deal and elected to stay. Her only concern was how she would get home since Girl#2 drove.

With that resolved  I stood over top of Girl#2 and told her to get the fuck out of my house. She threw a fit, I told her I would call the cops if she did not leave. Her invitation was revoked and she is trespassing. She was stunned, melting down etc, so I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her toward the car. She threw a screaming shit fit when she saw her bags by her car and I mean screaming and carrying on. Again I told her she had to leave or I would call the cops. I turned my back to her and she struck me. As I knew she would. I told her if she hit me again I would respond in self-defense. She started screaming all manner of obscenities at me and about me as I walked into the house.

Once I was in the house I sent her a text message; leave or I will call the cops. She elected to throw her shit all over my yard and as I was blocking her number in my cell phone. I told the rest of my Girls to do the same. She left once she was done flinging poo like a monkey.

I boxed up her stuff and put it in the mail today.

We are done. No explanation, no complaints, no none of that bullshit. Just “we are done; get the fuck out of my home or I will call the cops”. I have “fuck you” as an automatic trigger point. Years ago I made the decision to reject any woman who told me “fuck you” or “fuck off” etc. All my trigger points are predetermined. That way I am not making decisions in the heat of the moment. You do this in combat as well


The remaining Girls are somewhat shaken up. To them, this is a shitty weekend event. To me its just like any other Sunday. My casual and buiness like attitude toward ejecting Girl#2 has them all over the map emotionally. Good emotions, bad emotions…. doesn’t matter. Its the intensity of the experience that keeps the tingles going and both the remaining Girls were lubed up Sunday night.


As for me, I’ll waste no more time or effort on her. Next them and next them hard then go bang her friends. Her bitching about you will get them lubed up for you.