Monthly Archives: January 2015

LOM(Lack of motivation ) and men going there own way; the observations of an aging grunt.

In various Army schools ( the tougher ones) there is this concept called LOM, short for Lack of Motivation. If you are dropped from one of these schools for LOM your invitation to the ball is permanently rescinded. You can fail and fail and fail but if you don’t drive yourself as hard as you can you are gone for good. Some schools will fail your ass just to see if you’ll come back but the unforgivable sin is not trying hard enough.


I see girls in the SMP working the same concept. Mild shit tests are a way of her checking your motivation. How badly do you want her? The fucked up thing is, want her badly enough to put up with her bullshit and she doesn’t want you. Next her to soon and no ass for you. A large number of men are playing the game in this grey area, looking for the sweet spot of when they should next the bitch or push forward all while trying to deal with her pysops and deception campaign against him


The Army is divided up in several large sections. One of the more basic divisions is conventional warfare vs the unconventional warfare units. There are the war fighters, the combat arms guys like infantrymen, artillery, tankers etc and support personal. The unconventional guys are, in general terms, more fit, more motivated etc then the conventional guys. The unconventional guys are broken down into a tier system. Tier 3 outfits, tier 2 outfits and tier one outfits. There are more men starting in the NFL then hold a tier 1 slot. People will often assume something foolish like why doesn’t the Army make everyone a tier one door kicker, but the world doesn’t work like that. There are only X number of men who can make that cut, who can drive themselves that hard, nor does everyone need to be tier one to win wars and a man is not somehow lesser because he is tier 2 or a conventional war fighter but girls with their run away hypergamy and out of control sense of self don’t get that. They only want tier one men. And he has to be tier one in every aspects ( or lest think he is. Women do a shitty job determining reality vs illusions)They can be happy with a tier 2 guy if she hits a certain level of age and introspection and will settle for a tier three man but her happiness and his will be short lived,


In comes men going their own way. The interwebz and maybe the world has this concept that men who go their own way are somehow lacking in ambition or drive and frankly their is good reason to suspect that because often the loudest voices for going their own way are men who have been kicked more often then a stray dog in the hood, however my observations do not fully support the MGTOW are looser mantra and all SMP’s are local.


Most of the men in my platoons were going their own way. They did the math and women didn’t make the cut. These are not men who suffered from a lack of motivation. Before coming to me the volunteered to join the Army. To be Paratroopers and infantrymen in the war time Army. Infantry school isn’t as tough as Ranger school, but its not something most military men want to deal with. Same with jump school and frankly infantry school and jump school are the easy parts. The hard part comes when your assigned to a unit. To be in my platoon they had to have done a combat tour, score 80% or better in every aspect of the Army’s physical fitness test, be tactically and technically sound and do our 3 week tryout/ training program. NCO’s had to have Ranger tabs or agree to go to Ranger school when the slots showed up. Then they had to desire being in my platoon with my training schedule and most of them did all this because they wanted to be a cut above the average Paratrooper and they wanted to brawl more down range.


What does that mean in SMP/MMP terms? Well, frankly not much because women want finished products and these are young men, still in the making. They aren’t the best providers going but its a decent paycheck, always on time and always with medical coverage. They were fit and while not necessarily educated and book smart, they were smart enough to learn all the shit they need to know and they are not the kind of men to back down from tough situations and this brought them… pretty much nothing in our local SMP. So they generally dropped out of it. Guns, cars, trucks, beer and yes Call of Duty with their crew was more enjoyable then chasing girls. These are young, fit, testosterone driven young men who with no fanfare, made the decision girls in the local market were not worth the effort.


On a personal note, I have always enjoyed my time away from the SMP. Its when I learned the most, did the most, trained the hardest etc etc. I was successful despite being married not because of it. During my last break in the SMP I bought a decent camera, something in the $300 range, took a class on photography and rode the Blue Ride Parkway, start to finish and back taking pictures the whole way. Took me 12 days to do less then a thousand miles. One of the best things I have ever done but I have also built bikes, gone to driving school, improved all manner of skills like carpentry, small engine repair, wielding and squatted 725 in contest. In short I am who I am because I exist the SMP regularly

Folks should think on that before they get to running down MGTOW.




snipers are cowards……

Apparently some  fat fuck yankee piece of shit “documentary” film maker made a comment that snipers are cowards and then later said that was what he learned from his WW2 veteran father.

Well they way I reckon things the coward is the “man” who makes a comment like that then tries to blame his father for it when the heat is on. I also doubt an actual ground combat veteran said such a thing because he would know his side had their own snipers, snipers who support and protect them on over-watch and counter sniper operations


Most of my adult life has been dedicated to the precision long distances direct fire profession as a sniper or as a man with snipers under his authority. Being a sniper is not about courage or cowardice its about preforming the basic riflemen skills at an elite level.  Being a sniper is above and outside concepts like courage and focuses on professionalism and and effectiveness. You have a job to do and you do it to the utmost of your ablity and training. Nothing more, nothing less. This concept strips down the bullshit and you know in a very real way, every time you pull the trigger you are saving lives. The lives of the men on your side. The other guy? Well he elected to throw away his life the day he elected to fight for the other team.


Being a sniper is also not about your body count. Some missions lend to higher body counts then others. I meet an law enforcement sniper who made a grand total of 4 shots in his career. each one of those shots saved a hostage(s) live(lives). That’s a great sniper. Chris Kyle with a 150(ish) confirmed kills is a great sniper.  I don’t say that to disparage men like Chris Kyle with large body counts but to inform the uninformed a little about the job. Personally the best bit of work I have heard make the news was the SEAL snipers who rescued that captain from the Somalia pirates.



and then there was 2 or…. Next

I gave Girl#2 the big Next yesterday. She was at my house for the weekend, all the Girls were, and got to feeling combative. As one can imagine I don’t put up with much and in the course of our “discussion” she said “you know what Ton? FUCK YOU”. I stopped what I was doing, smiled at her and left the room to pack her shit. She was to busy with her phone to notice. Before long, I had her shit packed and at the her car. I pulled Girl#3 aside and told her what was about to go down. She was torn, but I gave her the “deiced now or leave” deal and elected to stay. Her only concern was how she would get home since Girl#2 drove.

With that resolved  I stood over top of Girl#2 and told her to get the fuck out of my house. She threw a fit, I told her I would call the cops if she did not leave. Her invitation was revoked and she is trespassing. She was stunned, melting down etc, so I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her toward the car. She threw a screaming shit fit when she saw her bags by her car and I mean screaming and carrying on. Again I told her she had to leave or I would call the cops. I turned my back to her and she struck me. As I knew she would. I told her if she hit me again I would respond in self-defense. She started screaming all manner of obscenities at me and about me as I walked into the house.

Once I was in the house I sent her a text message; leave or I will call the cops. She elected to throw her shit all over my yard and as I was blocking her number in my cell phone. I told the rest of my Girls to do the same. She left once she was done flinging poo like a monkey.

I boxed up her stuff and put it in the mail today.

We are done. No explanation, no complaints, no none of that bullshit. Just “we are done; get the fuck out of my home or I will call the cops”. I have “fuck you” as an automatic trigger point. Years ago I made the decision to reject any woman who told me “fuck you” or “fuck off” etc. All my trigger points are predetermined. That way I am not making decisions in the heat of the moment. You do this in combat as well


The remaining Girls are somewhat shaken up. To them, this is a shitty weekend event. To me its just like any other Sunday. My casual and buiness like attitude toward ejecting Girl#2 has them all over the map emotionally. Good emotions, bad emotions…. doesn’t matter. Its the intensity of the experience that keeps the tingles going and both the remaining Girls were lubed up Sunday night.


As for me, I’ll waste no more time or effort on her. Next them and next them hard then go bang her friends. Her bitching about you will get them lubed up for you.

congruency and frame

Due to a variety of factors each man’s position in the hierarchy of men will be different. Additionally two men equally ranked can achieve their position with different styles. Almost all of us have some sort of limitations on our rank/ value in the SMP/MMP. Some factors are within our control, others are not. I can control my weight but not my height. I cannot control my height but I can control my body language. We are all born with a certain level of raw intelligence but we can optimize what we were given. Because I am not mentally lazy, folks often think I am better educated, more intelligent then I actually am. Because I carry myself well, folks think I am taller than 5’7”. Because I am physically fit, women generally guess my age at 35 not 44. Maximize where you can, double down on your natural born gifts and talents while being aware of your weak areas and how to compensate for them

The next few paragraphs are about men I know who doubled down on their talents.

One of my running partners, JW, is a young man who has what I would call the Classic Business Alpha style. He is tall, lean, and always well dressed. He is a self made multimillionaire with serious charisma. As in he got us into a world famous golf club while I was dressed in riding leathers. One of the best displays of social skills I’ve witnessed. He has money, but doesn’t lead with his wallet. He has a wife who looks the other way while he has two kept women. When I meet him he was tearing his way through women like wet paper. The kept women are a compromise with his wife. He has the money, dresses the part and drives a Dodge Viper. He is on 1st name bases with any many worth knowing in our area because of his ability to charm whatever social circle he stands in. He is the son of a Special Forces E-8 who died on duty. For those not familiar with the term that means a middle class upbringing at best. His whole image is created by his own drive and desire. He has been working this program since his father died; doing the kind of things that makes him a big fish in our area of operations (AO). Which, oddly enough, is one of those Super Zip Codes Charles Maury talks about. His whole persona fits that Classic Business Alpha Style. He is the kind of guy many Beta’s love to hate.

My friend BR is the Classic Southern Gentlemen/ Officer Alpha. #1 he is pretty. He is the only guy I know who has women approach him; give him their phone number, touch themselves when he is speaking with him etc. I’ve seen strippers push each other over him. He is good looking enough where he doesn’t need anything else but his looks. He is 6’2”, athletic, verging on the 6 pack abs kind of stuff, with the classic blonde hair and blue eyes. He comes from Old Southern Money. Way back in the day, his family helped fund what is now one the more important colleges in our homeland and his family’s name is all over the campus. His father and grandfather were active duty generals; his uncle is a general in their State’s National Guard (NG). Being in the NG is damn near a family requirement. BR dropped out of college and came into the Army as a Warrant Officer to fly 58D’s and he fly’s the mother fuckers. He is the guy you want driving one of those things for your close air support. I meet BR when he was still a 58D driver, and before he moved on to TF160, the Army’s Special Operations Aviation Regiment. He now fly’s for some secret squirrel outfit doing Lord knows what to only God knows who. Any rate, BR is beloved by everyone. I mean everyone, and his whole package fits. He is tall and good looking, has a bad ass job, drives a bad ass corvette, comes from money but isn’t pretentious etc. His whole persona fits. He is now married to a lady who use to model swim suits and what not. She dropped all that to be BR’s and bought him that bad ass corvette as a wedding gift. Yea he’s that good

Now the guy who does my tattoos is named DT. DT is the artist type. Not just his tattoo work (which has won awards) but he plays in band that got some national coverage a few years back, regularly sells his paintings and is an occasionally published author. Comparative religious studies kind of stuff mostly. Even the beer he makes is an art to him. He is also a small business owner, with a handful of employees. Some in his tattoo shop, but he has a fulltime employee selling his art. Anyrate his persona fits. He has a theme for his life and he works to excel at it. His theme is art. Now I haven’t noticed him do quite so well in terms of numbers, but he has no problems pulling women and always has a couple of plates in rotation. I think he would do better in a more urban environment. The artist thing isn’t a big seller here locally, but he does pretty damn well with women and you never see him with anything under a 7 or any girl close to his own age.

All three of these guys have something else in common though. They are all working different versions of Bad Boy game. One of the typical short comings in this part of the interwebz is viewing Bad Boy game in very limited terms. Most use the term to describe a guy like myself or someone with a prison record…(ok also myself)but y’all get my point. Sometimes Bad Boy game can be hard to see but its there. Hell just being good with women gives you some level of Bad Boy cred. JW has a reputation for being a ruthless man. Cross him and he gets his payback. Have two lawyers check out any contract he brings you, and you don’t want to see him chatting up any of your clients. That’s on top of his Bad Boy cred regarding being married and keeping women on the side. Openly. BR has it given his profession and lifestyle. He has a dangerous job and he excels at it. He has a bad ass car, rides a bad ass bike and has banged enough chicks to establish his pre selection/ Bad Boy cred. DT has his own version of Bad Boy game. #1 he is heavily tatted up, being a tattoo artist lends weight to his bad boy cred, as well as being in a band. A good band that doesn’t have any problems booking gigs throughout our area (they do the kind of rowdy rock and country songs that Southern folk love to drink too). I am one of the few people who knows about his master’s degree in comparative religious studies, but people know its is an interest of his. Here in the Bible belt, that also lends weight to his Bad Boy cred.

What they have in common is a congruent package that fits them as men. JW had to craft his out of thin air. He did not like being poor, wearing hand me downs etc and set out to fix that shit and he fixed it with a fucking vengeance. DT also created his image out of thin air. His father was an enlisted guy in the Air Force. DT wanted what he wanted, to study what he wanted, to draw and paint what he wanted when he wanted and to play his bass. He went against the wishes and advice of his family and friends to chase after his art. BR is pretty much all natural from breeding but his upbringing developed who he is and he has busted his ass to be the kind of pilot he is. Last time I checked he had more combat flight hours then most of his peers have hours. Each man has a persona butyl up in layers, one resting on the other until in a very real sense they became arch types for their chosen lifestyles. None have any obvious weak spots in their persona for women to explore… ie attack (they are also tall which should never be discounted as a force multiplier in the SMP/ MMP)

Our packaging needs to fit and be congruent. I think if a man is to spread out in the things he likes, he doesn’t build up… I don’t know… a pillar (?) of SMV value. I reckon I am making the anti-Renaissance man argument. Specialize and work your comparative advantages to your benefit in the SMP and the wider world.


This post brought to you be insomnia


olive oil, garlic, heavy cream and Parmesan cheese

olive oil, garlic, heavy cream and Parmesan cheese

The wine is for the cook,


saute the garlic in the olive oil. each to taste.

saute the garlic in the olive oil. each to taste.

while drinking a bottle of wine. no glass needed

once the garlic is slightly browned poor the heavy cream into the pan.

once the garlic is slightly browned poor the heavy cream into the pan.


at this stage the cook needs more wine


add the cheese in small amounts, stir until its melted. rinse repeat until you are damn near out of cheese

add the cheese in small amounts, stir until its melted. rinse repeat until you are damn near out of cheese

this is the labor intense part. experienced drinkers… I mean cooks may continue the wine consumption

keep stirring until the cheese is melted and you have a smooth blend.

keep stirring until the cheese is melted and you have a smooth blend.

pour over the pasta of your choice. in this case I bought some Ravioli from Sam’s. One was stuffed with cheese the other chicken in cheese. We are having rib eyes on the side.



more musings on random man-o-sphere comments

In my mental wanderings I read a lament about women today and the need to teach women to value their virginity and to develop other skills to attract men.

I call shenanigans


#1)I married a virgin and it was still a fucking nightmare. Guys cling to this low to no N-count as some sort of magic fetish that will ensure marital bliss. Sorry friends I am living proof it doesn’t work that way. Nor am I the only one


#2) teach them what exactly? No one seems to get to that point, myself included. The Girls and access to their bodies is what adds value to my life. I reckon when folks say this ‘teach them to develop other things to attract men” they mean domestic stuff which is faulty thinking on several fronts.

  • it assumes men value the same kind of frilly, kick knack stuffed girly domestic life women do
  • does not take into account most domestic work done by women is for their own up keep
  • it does not take into account every modern convince that helps make a stay at home mom’s life easier makes the bachelor life easier
  • it does not take into an account how expensive women are to keep compared to having a house keeper, laundry service etc etc
  • cooking, cleaning and what not are not huge tasks, especially for a single adult man.

Men are perfectly happy in Spartan like conditions. When my majordomo walked into my house her response was “this is definitely a bachelor’s house”. If I had a dollar for every time I have heard that I’d have… about 300 bucks. Women always comment on that. The walls are a soft Earth color and the 1st thing you see when you walk through the door is a Texas Longhorn skull with hats hanging off the horns. I also have some military stuff on the walls, lots of flags, tributes to my Confederate roots and dead critters. I had one recliner, an end table with coffee table books on it, a small kitchen table, the chairs to go with it, a TV, a PS3 and a shit ton of guns and booze….. I do have a nicely appointed kitchen ( back to that buy things that last deal), but my house is not that far off from most of the bachelor’s I know. If anything, it was more decorated. Men don’t collect bullshit like women seem to accumulate which makes for a more slimmed down and easier to maintain living quarters.

I have women living with me now and they require up keep. My bathroom is a combat zone of “stuff”. Most of which I have no idea what it is or what it does. It was a lot easier to clean my few items, and the shower drain didn’t get clogged with long blonde hair until Girl#1 arrived. Girl#1 did have some useful items to add to the home, but mostly it was just stuff. I limited her to 10 kick knack type items and her important books. No collection of house wife porn allowed.

Microwaves, pre-made meals at Harris Tetter or Sam’s, vacuum cleaners, all those handy cleaning wipes… you name it if ti helps a mom of three keep a house clean and family feed, it helps men. The number of these items is endless. 1 Clorox wipe a day keeps the bathroom clean, three a day keep the kitchen clean etc etc. Because its only one of you the mess is considerably less, you have more place to put the small amount of junk you have (or in my case a lot of fire arms). You make less of a mess cooking meals, your meal plan is easier because your not balancing other peoples tastes in chow


Women cost money. They need more clothes, more stuff for the bathroom, this gadget, that bit of make up, stuff to keep aunt flow from making a mess… again the list is fucking endless and costly. Not to mention the consumer research showing women spend more money then men.


I have already address how cooking, cleaning etc are not huge tasks and these things are what I can come up with? Imagine what a sober and more intelligent man could come up with?


People mean well when they say ” teach women to value their virginity and to develop other skills to attract men” but I reckon it is a very simplistic, idealized view of women and life, like some folks romanticized visions of the 1950’s.

They also must understand the nature of marriage, marriage no longer equals regular sex ( if it ever did) or any type of claim to children and family. Kids and therefore the family belong to the government and women

The solution is returning to what works; women and children being the property of fathers and husbands.

Money for tools…. I mean money as a tool

Ask folks to define money and I reckon you’ll get all sorts of answers but reality is money is a tool, nothing more,nothing less. Money used wisely is exchanged for goods and services but will also buy you options, time and liberty. Used unwisely, money will be the tool that builds chains, ensnares you and keeps you in the bondage of debt. Like all tools, you have to know how to use money, other wise it can be dangerous. A lot like women. Learn to master tools, money and chicks and your life will be much easier.

The Bible talks about money more then any other topic; I’ve heard tell there are 800 references to money in the Bible.Clearly its an important topic. The Bible tells us a man in debt is enslaved to the debtor; the Bible teaches us a wise man builds up his wealth, spends his money prudently; is generous with his money, staring with his family and working his way outward; that a man should count his money and know his wealth; to save for that lean times and that a man should count the cost of things before he gets started. Course a lot of them there lessons talks about live stock and what not but wealth is wealth.

1st lesson is the dollar you spend on one thing cannot be spent on another. Second thing is, every buiness out there is looking to make money off you. Whatever they are trying to sell you is the means of separating the fool…. I mean you and his money. The banking system is set up to transfer your money to someone who already has money. Banks, that nice lady at your favorite restaurant etc are all trying to get you to voluntary transfer your cash to them.  They are not your friend. Anyone trying to help you get rich, or make you extra money or sell you an investment is trying to 1st and foremost make money off you. Any time there is money on the table, someone is going to be the winner and someone the loser and the entire system is set up to make you, the person spending money, the loser.

There is money and there is wealth. If you owe money on something, like a house, it is not wealth, its a liability. Wealth is not 1’s and 0s in a bank somewhere. That isn’t real or tangible. What you hold in your hand, or have buried in you back yard is yours. Wealth doesn’t fold and paper money is a giant fucking con game. A silver dollar in 1963 was worth…. you guessed it a dollar. That same silver dollar will cost you about 13 bucks today. Inflation robs you blind but works great for the banks and government.

Lets see a show of hands of men who would shit can their job and go do something else more exciting, fun, less stressful etc but cannot because he is tied to a certain lifestyle and/ or carries debt? Yea then you are slave to that debt and lifestyle. Normally that’s a good size number of fellas. Debt makes you a slave.I relearned that lesson when I was divorced. I was saddled with a large amount of alimony, child-support, a house payment I could not afford because of alimony and child support and credit card debt I didn’t know existed. I was hit with lifetime alimony and will be a slave for as long as my ex wife lives…. debt is slavery and so is marriage. Don’t do either. Now things wouldn’t play out the same way. The house I am living in now cost less then my yearly salary. Ok less then my E7 pay since thats when I bought it. Funny thing is, it keeps me warm in the winter and cool in the summer just as well as the house that was 3 times my yearly salary.

My big weakness on these money things is cars and bikes. Ton loves to go fast. I have downsized a fair amount here. This weekend I picked up another bike, a 1998 Electraglide, but have the other three Harley’s being sold on consignment. I always try to offset my additional expenses with cuts somewhere else, or with a side job or hustle. I have always had a side job or hustle. When I was younger I worked as a bouncer, taught kick boxing classes, worked as a flunky in a bike shop, built rifles and sold them. I have rarely used my regular paycheck to pay for booze, bikes or guns. I always find someway to make spare cash to finance my fucking off time. Most of my rifles were paid for by building three and selling two. When the divorce came and things got real bad I went deeper into the underground economy. So much so that it made a lasting positive impact.

Most of the shit we buy losses value. I buy gold and silver and that price is in a constant flux. Houses always go up? Bullshit. 1st house I bought after my divorce cost 30K, 15k in sweat equity and its worth… about 45k today. That’s not a real increase in value. The housing market has its up and downs and has no guaranteed rate of return. That friendly old guy trying to sell you the american dream is 1st and foremost trying to make money off you.

The point in all this? A warning to be careful with your cash. Don’t keep up with the Jone’s.That shit is a lie, the whole economy is based on that lie. Debt is a lie, its playing, pretending you can afford xyz. Our whole economy is based on that lie. Sooner or later that lie will unravel, like all lies do. The less caught up in that lie you are, the better off you will be. Not just when the bill comes do but in your everyday life in the here and now. Value your freedom, liberty and security over a McMansion, gadgets and meals out. Value your sovereignty as a man over stuff women, politics and what not. There is a shit ton of methods to help you establish a budget and what not but remember they are looking to make money off you. I live off 70% of my take home pay. Whatever I spend the that 70% makes no never mind to me because I have saved 30%. Its not the most complex budget in the world, but it works for me.

If there is one take away from all this it should be the world is a hostile place, so is consumers driven market places of today.


this post brought to you by my son being a bonehead, apple pie moonshine and



Perpetual Shit Tests

In my random man o sphere readings, I came across some guys asking about the never ending nature of shit tests. I think this stems from three basic issues #1a particularity weak woman, who for whatever reason requires more reassurance then typical #2 a man with a weak masculine frame and #3 women rarely see their man express any kind of dominance to the outside world causing her to subconsciously question his frame. She also rarely sees him at work, which is a typical place for men to engage in the kind of competitive things that lube her up and lets her know she chose wisely.


#1) there isn’t much we can directly do about women who require more reassurance then average. Most likely that came about due to events beyond her control, and it is not reasonable for her to approach this, or any topic in a rational manner. However I do see feminism causing women to be weak and needy. Why? Because feminism says she is just like a man, as tough and as strong and as good in shitty situations as any man going. She judges herself against other men, and often enough against high value men and one of the ways men earn their high value is by being better then average when the shit hits the fan. Regardless of what kind of shit or what kind of fan. I cannot began to count how many dumb ass bitches have told me they are as tough as me, or as strong or “can take me” etc etc. Sure those all shit tests, but they are shit tests created by the false notion of equality and the blank slate theory . Any rate, any woman who compares herself to men is going to come up short and become full of self doubt. One of the reasons women cannot approach this need in a rational manner is feminism which turns women away from honest dealings with men as it tries to turn women into poor imitations men


#2) fix your frame. Frame is damn near everything in life. As I have said countless times, I am not in the fake it till you make it crowd and I do not believe you will ever have a strong masculine frame with out developing a strong sense of masculine pride. We also know to my reckoning that means over coming challenges that pose serious risks. My favrotie recommendation is learning how to fight because it requires a lot of effort, over coming pain and fear and is more readily available then most avenues.  Getting into SOCOM takes a while and will drastically change your life. Learning to fight MMA will take 10 hours a week or so and you can learn MMA while you work full time. All manner of things will build that frame. I use to occasionally hangout with pro surfers in Hawaii. Those guys had frame, but it can be pretty damn hard to learn how to surf in most places.


#3) is both a blessing and a curse. Living in soft times and polite society has it appeals but sadly is the death of masculinity. Still I reckon an over all improvement in your frame will help address this. I got to thinking this lack of handling routine challenges in front of your woman ( or women seeing men do this in their daily life) sets a man up for more shit tests because of two events. One not so recent and the other pretty damn. Girl#1 is not much for shit tests but she still manged to reduce the number of them after the local urban youths tried to culturally enrich us. She also told me, when I got back, that event gave her a greater appreciation for what I do when down range. I cannot recall any shit tests from her in the 90 or so days I was in Afghanistan after that event. That’s a 1st. Basically she went from knowing I was capable to knowing I am capable. I reckon that’s a big difference in her mind.  A few days back Girl#3 commented on how when I get in peoples way( at the airport in this case) they apologized to me, dipped their head and moved out. She claims the 1st time she noticed this was when we were attending a military ball where I was all duded up, the only man not in uniform and officers and senior enlisted both deferred to me. These are not things I ever noticed but she has

So that dominating in the outside world does not have to be slaying dragons. I reckon men deferring to you is enough to raise your social standing and ease up on the shit tests.



editors notes I am shit faced on bourbon and Elvis Presley so if this post blows in the morning I’ll take it down