dread game an intorduction

I have this friend RJ who I’ve talked about before in  https://tonsplace.wordpress.com/2014/08/26/economics-of-motorcycles-and-alphaness/ RJ is working his way back into the SMP after a long and unsuccessful marriage. Once again he is the kind of man women say they want which puts him in the semi average frustrated chump category. He is typical for my circle of acquaintances in that he is a combat vet (airborne infantry), fit, fiscally sound etc and yet struggling to get by in a tough market because he is reluctant to go full Red Pill or travel to better hunting grounds.


His soft 8, Blondie, is starting to give him fits by upping the number of shit tests, mostly around how many other women he has, which is 0. Sadly. On the upside, her constant asking about other women is a pretty good sign she wants to lock him down and is worried he will pull something younger and hotter. RJ isn’t dumb enough to remarry so no worries there but he is still learning to read women, how to pass the various shit tests that come his way and I suspect leading with his wallet simply because he wants to do small, nice things for a girl who he digs while she is having money trouble. Hes a nice guy and nice guys finish last…. or don’t even make it to the starting line up. One problems is we don’t know if she wants to lock him down because she thinks he is an alpha among alphas or because she is looking for beta bucks. She is at that lane changing age, despite retaining a goodly portion of her looks. It doesn’t require much cash to fall into her beta bucks cross-hairs.  The only way to answer our question is to know how much time she spends looking for a bigger and better deal vs time spent annoying my friend about hid “other women”, which the knowing is pretty much impossible. Any which way, a woman doesn’t worry about being a side piece or him having side pieces if she doesn’t view him as somewhat alpha, good with women etc. Even if she has you in the beta bucks cross-hairs she will only worry about you having other gals if she views you as capable of pulling other chicks. If you believe most of what women say and do stems from projecting what they would like to do etc if they were men….. well it gives you a real unseemly insight to the fairer sex

Further complicating matters is women are inherently dishonest. Speaking in code means they often never speak the full truth or discover the full truth from others because they don’t ask direct questions. Often lie to themselves more then any one else… they are convoluted not complex. The whole thing is a mess and the best way to deal with their deceptive business practices is by not fully investing in a woman, which allows you to evaluate them in a more rational manner vs through a fog of sex induced haze. This is something RJ understands even if he doesn’t fully act on it


Anyrate a little more then a week ago, Blondie starts sending RJ texts about how she has this gut feeling RJ has other irons in the fire. I told him to deny it all which worked for about an hour. Then she asked via texts how many other women he had, and stated she was not angry etc but wanted to know…. yea that’s a set up and he fell for it texting her back with the number 0. At least it was a very short reply

Peace reigns for a few days then she asked him to come clean about women on the side and who they are. My standard answer to this is to rattle off names of famous, wealthy yet unattractive women… former 1st ladies of the united states of america makes a great answer…. yea I am banging Lura Bush, Hilary Clinton and Barber Bush when her hip is up for a good pussy pounding. Agree and amplify with a ridiculous set of options. Normally this brings me a goodly amount of peaceful days and gets them to laughing but in Blondie’s case it bought RJ a day. Less than.

The next day she texts about wanting to refrain from sex until she feels more secure….. what the fuck sense does that make? They have already been fucking for months and I tell him not to respond to that text. Instead he went for a 4 day ride with me. We rode out to Wilmington NC, down to Ft Fisher, then up to Top Sail Island before riding North Carolina’s Crystal Coast. Amazing ride. During the ride she texts him, he ignores her for the most part and pretty much tells her he’s on his bike clearing his head and thinking about their relationship….. insert dramatic music here. Think about what is going on with Blondie’s hamster. With no consultation and no warning, RJ went on a 4 day ride with a man known for keeping women in an open harem….. to think about the relationship…. women don’t like it when me think in solitude… they fear men thinking without feminine influence guiding their reckonings and to hang out with a man who can pull ass implies RJ can pull ass as well….. anyrate Blondie’s hamster was probably spinning itself to an early grave and she texts some bullshit about wanting to be just friends…. RJ tells her no, no friends stuff. Its a sexual, romantic relationship or nothing….. Blondie goes radio silent for a day then texts again…

Blondie: how many irons do you have in the fire

RJ: 150

radio silence all day Sunday


Monday comes around and she texts RJ: when will you be in town

RJ: late Monday

Blondie: oh. This will sound strange but I wanted to have sex today

RJ: I’ll be in town by 4; pick you up @ 9

Her: can I stay at your place until you get home

RJ: radio silence picks her up @ 930


Next day she texts him about how great the sex was and that she had to masturbate during work because thinking about him got her to hot to concentrate. Even sends him photos of the marks he left on her store bought D cups.


Dread and frame control brothers. Its like your rifle and body armor. One protects you so you can effectively use the other

19 thoughts on “dread game an intorduction

  1. theasdgamer

    Dread Game Update

    A woman’s frequent insecurity tests will eventually lead to a Nuclear Loyalty Test. Just saw that with Mrs. Gamer. She suggested transitioning to an open marriage, saying that she could go without sex until she died. Seemed like my marriage was finished. I eventually saw her test for what it was and vetoed the idea. She’s still in love with me.

      1. theasdgamer

        Strangely enough, the old married mostly-UMC ladies at my country bar see me as a bad influence on their men. I’m typically the first to ask previously-unknown hot young women to dance, lol; then the hotties give me enthusiastic hugs. And I flirt with one of the hot young women quite openly–trading swats last time. (Actually, it’s just playful fun and not real flirting, but the OMLs don’t get it.) And the OMLs know that I’m married. Dread Game for the whoooole bar, lol.

        The Dreadmaster

      2. theasdgamer

        The few good ladies whom I know don’t have a problem with me. Neither do those who are unashamedly bad. It’s just the fake ones who are trying to hang on to their schlubs who have a problem.

      3. SFC Ton Post author

        solid ride bro real solid and used bikes are where its at money wise

        I am rebuilding an 04 Screaming Eagle Electra guild which is also a good deal but it requires tools and know hoe but that Honda is a good entry bike

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